Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saranac 12 Beers of Winter

Winter time only means one thing for me- snow beer. What could be better than a fridge full of the Saranac 12 Beers of Winter variety pack. For some reason, this is impossible to find in NYC. Luckily a friend brought me down a pack from upstate. This year it seems that Saranac has gone all politically correct and renamed it from the 12 Beers of Christmas to the 12 Beers of Winter. I haven't gone through them all yet but the standout beers so far are the Caramel Porter (one of my personal top 10 beers of all time), the Nut Brown Ale, and the highly acclaimed Winter Wassail. I wish some places around here stocked 6 packs of any of these individually instead of just the bland Pale Ales or Adirondack Lagers I normally see.

The only thing better than a fridge full of beer would be a sidewalk full of free cases of beer for the taking...2nd Ave in the 80's- get down there now- free beer! free beer!
category: food_