Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mike's Original Grinding Truck

Not sure what the deal is with this guy "Mike" but he's got a seriously old grinding truck. It says since 1941 and Mike may very well have been driving this very truck in 1941. In fact, were it not for the new yellow cabs, the paved street, the Oz moving truck, the new NY license plates, the window air conditioners, and the fact that the entire thing is in color, this photo could have been taken in 1941. That's Mike or the other guy in the back grinding a knife up.
Gowanus Lounge spots Mike in Ft Greene. I actually do need one of my knives sharpened (I did a lot of mass murdering this summer- remember that gruesome double homicide slashing in the Bronx in July- yep- shhhhhh) but I could not stop to sharpen or I would not have made it to Baluchi's in time for the lunch special. You know how I get when I don't get my half price samosas and lamb saagwala. Nobody wants a rehash of the "sorry we don't have any more nan" episode from '04. Particularly if all I've got around is ol' rusty dull blade to do the job.

For the record, I would pay full price for the ka-choris.